Legislation regulating online poker has been a topic of heated debate for years, but progress has been slow. In 2015, Congressman Joe Barton introduced a semi-annual bill to legalize online poker. It was called the Internet Poker Freedom Act of 2015, and already had two co-sponsors. The fight against online gaming has been spearheaded by billionaire Sheldon Adelson. In addition, a Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA) bill was introduced by Senator Linds Graham and Congressman Jason Chaffetz.
There are several advantages to online poker for players. For one thing, it’s faster. Because the cards and betting chips are dealt automatically, the game is played much faster than in live casinos. The only difference is that you can play more than one game at a time. As a result, online poker provides instant betting and information. You can play many games at once, which is a big advantage for online poker players. Moreover, the game is a great way to spend a leisurely afternoon or evening.
To avoid legal trouble, always choose a licensed, regulated online poker site. There are many such options, but you should always choose a regulated website if you live in the US. Online poker sites must follow strict operating and licensing standards to protect your privacy and keep your funds safe. A regulated online poker site also requires licenses from the state in which it operates. Once licensed, it’s time to pick an online poker room.