It seems like every day there’s another news story regarding online poker. There are new online poker rooms opening every day, and the state governments are getting behind this new industry. The DOJ’s interpretation of the 1961 Wire Act effectively banned online poker in the US until 2011 when the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel reexamined the Wire Act’s scope at the urging of New York and Illinois. However, a federal online gambling ban seems less likely every day.
Before you play, make sure you’re at least 18 years old. The law requires you to be of legal age in your jurisdiction to play poker. Some sites will require age verification to play. It’s important to understand the age limits and requirements of any site you play on. Many poker sites also reward players with bonuses and promotions. Online poker is a game of skill and can be played on a PC or smartphone. In addition, there are more games and player pools than you might find in a real casino.
There are some benefits of playing online poker in the US. It’s completely legal in some states, but not in all. There are offshore poker sites that accept US players without preselection. Many of these sites are offshore, and are fully licensed and safe. Regulatory agencies and gambling authorities oversee their operation. However, players should check to ensure that their chosen site is based in the US before playing there. To avoid any potential issues, you can also make sure to sign up with a regulated online poker room.